Thursday, May 20, 2010
Unhappy People
Some people are so stressed out and unhappy! I see it so much when I come home from college. I'm working at Hollister and let's just say those managers need some shrinks omg. They act like the stock markets crashing..literally on top of them or something! I'm getting paid minimum wage and don't care to be treated like a puppet. I'm being patient though and I'll get some people with kindness =)
F*ckin Oil Spill
BP is definitely messed up. They've taken so long to try and get the oil cleaned up. Based on the news, I'd say the Gulf of Mexico is pretty much turned into oil by now. Kevin Costner has a brother who invented vacuums designed to clean up oil spills! Okay, he said he would support using these! Try it! I guess maybe they're trying to save money by finding the right solution that will work but time is running out before all the oysters are ruined! cmon, there's a rich ass oyster bar here in CT that will be put out of businesss! not to mention all the other wildlife that will die. It'll become the second dead sea. Not caused by natural incidents! I hope something good happens soon!
Lee or Whatever Her Name Is
Oh it's Crystal. That's right. I really want Lee to win American Idol! I havent followed this season much cause it's not that good but I'm catching the end of it!
For everyone that is graduating or has already graduated, Congratulations! I've been a bit busy for this blog if anyone is reading. My younger brother is graduating this June! I can't believe it really. I miss the days we were in high school and middle school together. When people that were older than you said time flies by, it's so true. I am really proud of him. He going to Central Connecticut State University to run! way to go drew! As for JMU seniors that have graduated, I'll miss you guys! Good luck with whatever you do. Just always do your best with whatever you choose
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Workin It Out
So I was talking with my friend Chris the other day about exercising. We both are really fit and know a good amount about working out. I've always read exercise magazines and all that. He has too. If you want a good bod, here's a few key steps to getting there:
1. Always try to eat at least 3 times a day. Try to make it with healthy foods and fruits and vegetables.
2. When you're in the gym, don't be the power hour have-not. So many people think cause they stand on that elliptical and go around for an hour that they are doing a good thing. I guarantee a half-hour workin alot harder will burn more.
3. Make it part of your lifestyle! Get to the gym at least 3 times a week.
It should always be fun so find what you love!
1. Always try to eat at least 3 times a day. Try to make it with healthy foods and fruits and vegetables.
2. When you're in the gym, don't be the power hour have-not. So many people think cause they stand on that elliptical and go around for an hour that they are doing a good thing. I guarantee a half-hour workin alot harder will burn more.
3. Make it part of your lifestyle! Get to the gym at least 3 times a week.
It should always be fun so find what you love!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
For anyone who hasn't seen this woman, she is absolutely the funniest person I've seen since Eddie Murphy in Norbit. She is on Youtube, has like over 800 videos. She just does videos about random things. Like a translation of Rhianna's Rude Boy. Funniest video. She also has the biggest lips I have ever seen!
Relay for Life
So this past weekend was Relay for Life. It was held outside one of our dining halls on the lawn. It is always such an emotional event but also alot of fun. There were performances by the a capella groups and breakdance club. Exit 247 was hilarious. The survivor lap is always my favorite part. It's a celebration for these people who got a second chance. I want to thank my family for helping me raise $285.00! I never thought I would fundraise nearly that!
Monday, April 12, 2010
This past weekend was springfest. This is where pretty much everyone at JMU drinks outside during the day all weekend. It pretty much a phenomenon. I wasn't around to see it but people started throwing things for some reason and it got out of hand. The crowd got so crazy that a riot squad had to tear gas the crowds. I am definitely so embarrassed that this had to happen at my school. Quite frankly I don't care that "most of the kids weren't JMU students". Of course people say this because they don't want to feel responsible. I'm sorry but for some reason these people were here and I've seen how people don't stand up to something. I was on a bus Friday night where this dickhead guy was telling a group of girls he was going to "fuck" them and calling them bitches. Did the guys these girls were with defend them? No. They just sat there. Did anyone on the bus do anything? No. They just sat there. Finally after 20 minutes of him harassing them I marched over and told him to stop harassing them. He was looking for a fight and tried telling me he would knock my teeth out but I got away before that could happen. I was the only one to say something and I find that really sad. JMU's lack of assertiveness has really shown through this past weekend. I find this campus to be somewhat apathetic towards alot of things. I imagine something could have been done to stop the "rioting". It takes two to tango and takes a few more to riot. I'm embarassed I was part of Springfest and I'm embarassed for my school which I usually have so much pride in.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
FROG 2010
So I got a position I really wanted! I'm gonna be an orientation guide for the incoming freshmen this summer! I can't wait to meet my group and have the best week ever. I'm gonna be a junior in college. Time is going by so fast. This weekend is block party weekend. The weather is looking great from what I can tell. It's supposed to drop to the 50s but hey, I'm from Connecticut I LOVE that temperature. That's all..busy busy with friends and wrapping this wonderful year up!
Sneaky Gays
You really can't tell that some people are gay. So many people think of a stereotypical skinny, flaming pink girly boy. Not the case! This video is a hilarious spoof on what they call "sneaky gays".
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Quick Poem I Wrote
The waves crash like boulders falling with every rise and fall,
Sun rays glisten on the cool ocean water drops that mark my skin,
Little kids gallop on the wet sand,
Boogie boards fly like fish trying to jump out of the water from the powerful waves,
Sun goddesses soak to a crisp in the vibrant sunlight,
Lifeguards chirp their whistles to wanderers,
I see your face smiling back at me,
The oceans thunders fade away,
The children turn into blurry slow motion figures,
Your eyes are peaceful like the tall grass swaying in the dunes,
This is beauty.
Sun rays glisten on the cool ocean water drops that mark my skin,
Little kids gallop on the wet sand,
Boogie boards fly like fish trying to jump out of the water from the powerful waves,
Sun goddesses soak to a crisp in the vibrant sunlight,
Lifeguards chirp their whistles to wanderers,
I see your face smiling back at me,
The oceans thunders fade away,
The children turn into blurry slow motion figures,
Your eyes are peaceful like the tall grass swaying in the dunes,
This is beauty.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Celine Dion Coming Back!
Celine is coming back to Las Vegas next year for a last hoorah! I'm really hoping to get to Vegas even though I really don't have the money. My friend Rachel had the idea, and what a good time this would be! This really is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I love Vegas and love Celine. Add this to my wish list for 2011
So it's my last month of sophomore year. I'm a little burnt out with school not gonna lie. The weatber here is amazing, I'm enjoying my friends, and my dating life is also blossoming! Surprising! I'm trying to just do and not think too much cause I overthink so much. And I really think I'm getting better at know if you really put your mind to wanting to change something you can. I just think at college it's pretty tough to focus on things within when there is so much going on around you. How does someone going through a really hard situation do it? I am so fortunate to have the life I have in that I don't have any really serious problem taking a toll on me. That said, I need to go study more!
Livin La Vida GAY

Ricky Martin came out! woo. I always remember my favorite video of his where he is in the water swimming. I think this kind of thing is so great to see. People realize it can really be anyone. I hope he is happy. This picture are his two sons he had through an artifical insemination I think..? So cute!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Today, I was working in a coffee shop when 2 gay men walked in holding hands. As you might expect, heads started turning. Then a young girl at the table next to me asked her mom why 2 men were holding hands. Her mom replied, "Because they love each other." MMT
MMT is
Check it out! I love this site! You can learn so much and these stories are really heart felt and emotional but good!
MMT is
Check it out! I love this site! You can learn so much and these stories are really heart felt and emotional but good!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Lady Gaga Before She Was Gaga
This is for everyone to see that she is not a complete freak! She is an artist who isn't afraid to be different. She goes out to space with so much she does to show that people can be different and that differences should be embraced. They really can be beautiful!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Gay Straight, Black White, Same Struggle, Same Fight
So I'll be honest that I'm not really a huge supporter of gay marriage. I don't like to act like our community deserves something. I do thing marriage is deserved but I don't want to seem like a complainer. I understand that alot of people can't really support marriage between the same sex. BUT I do support it! Today in history class I thought about how the civil rights era and what African Americans went through has so much similar to today. For so many people back then, they couldn't understand what it was like to be black and feel discriminated against. For someone who isn't black, they can't share the experience of what it was truly like to be of that color. Today, I think people have such a hard time understanding how just like youre born with a different skin tone, well homosexuals are born with a different tone, only internal. For so many people it is hard to put yourself in a place where you can understand what it would be like for you to be that person. I think about how someday I may have a partner and how the little things matter. Like how if you are not married to someone you can't visit them in the ER because you are not "immediate family". So someone like Janice Langbehn who was on a cruise with her partner when her partner had an aneurysm and was taken to a hospital in Miami. Who waited for hours for her partner of 20 years who she had taken in foster children with, just to be told her partner passed away. Imagine if this was your reality
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Project Lazarus 2010
So I had an amazing spring break! I went with an AMAZING group of people to New Orleans to Project Lazarus. This is a shelter for homeless people who are also HIV +. Driving into New Orleans with a beautiful sunset in the distance, I knew it was going to be an incredible week.
I guess the image I have of AIDS/HIV in my mind is the emotional scene in RENT where the people living with HIV are at their community meeting support group. The facilitator asks one of the guys how he feels saying, "How do you feel today?". They then sing a beautiful song with lines "Will I lose my dignity?" and "Will someone care?". Project Lazarus has made this scene somewhat of a reality. Monday and Wednesdays they have community meetings to come together and talk about how they are all doing. I enjoyed spending time with my group and the residents so much. It will be something I remember forever. We always played games like bingo. We tie dyed shirts with all the residents and had a fun cookout. I worked out with Larry at 6 am one morning. Simply having someone there who care was so good for these residents. I'm not going to go too much into their stories, but the residents came from every experience.
From the stripper who danced for money, but became a chef to make ends meet. Who was raped in jail. Who has an amazing outlook on life given his situation. Who is planting a garden big enough to feed a village. Who isn't afraid to make his voice heard. From the man who grew up in the projects, got caught up in the drugs, the killing, and the sex. Who had sex with so many women he didn't know who the HIV came from. Who looks like the hulk walked out of the comic book. Who is strong, brave, and is making a change in his life. From the women with boobs the size of camel humps. Who was diagnosed with HIV, who broke down to the point of getting schizophrenia. Who now hears voices in her head. Who tenderly holds the hand of another resident while watching Lil Wayne concerts. From the man who longs for affection, writing love letters to one of our group members. Who has never had that embrace, that connection. The individuals of Project Lazarus who search to find meaning in a life washed away. Who are rejected by their family and friends. Who long for happiness when it seems the world has gone out. Who long for strength when weakness and fatigue knocks on their door. Who go to work and try to aid society. Who want the world to see that they are people and nothing less. Who show beauty in the simplest of ways. No one there to hold them, put them at ease. No money to support themselves. A solitary struggle. One perplexed by judgement and scorn from the outside world. Project Lazarus is a place of acceptance and openness. The damage has been done. Move on, cherish what you have. Because today there is truly "no day but today".
I guess the image I have of AIDS/HIV in my mind is the emotional scene in RENT where the people living with HIV are at their community meeting support group. The facilitator asks one of the guys how he feels saying, "How do you feel today?". They then sing a beautiful song with lines "Will I lose my dignity?" and "Will someone care?". Project Lazarus has made this scene somewhat of a reality. Monday and Wednesdays they have community meetings to come together and talk about how they are all doing. I enjoyed spending time with my group and the residents so much. It will be something I remember forever. We always played games like bingo. We tie dyed shirts with all the residents and had a fun cookout. I worked out with Larry at 6 am one morning. Simply having someone there who care was so good for these residents. I'm not going to go too much into their stories, but the residents came from every experience.
From the stripper who danced for money, but became a chef to make ends meet. Who was raped in jail. Who has an amazing outlook on life given his situation. Who is planting a garden big enough to feed a village. Who isn't afraid to make his voice heard. From the man who grew up in the projects, got caught up in the drugs, the killing, and the sex. Who had sex with so many women he didn't know who the HIV came from. Who looks like the hulk walked out of the comic book. Who is strong, brave, and is making a change in his life. From the women with boobs the size of camel humps. Who was diagnosed with HIV, who broke down to the point of getting schizophrenia. Who now hears voices in her head. Who tenderly holds the hand of another resident while watching Lil Wayne concerts. From the man who longs for affection, writing love letters to one of our group members. Who has never had that embrace, that connection. The individuals of Project Lazarus who search to find meaning in a life washed away. Who are rejected by their family and friends. Who long for happiness when it seems the world has gone out. Who long for strength when weakness and fatigue knocks on their door. Who go to work and try to aid society. Who want the world to see that they are people and nothing less. Who show beauty in the simplest of ways. No one there to hold them, put them at ease. No money to support themselves. A solitary struggle. One perplexed by judgement and scorn from the outside world. Project Lazarus is a place of acceptance and openness. The damage has been done. Move on, cherish what you have. Because today there is truly "no day but today".
Monday, March 1, 2010
So more ice is breaking away from Antarctica..I hate talking about global warming but I always think about it. What if we really are gonna be screwed by it? So, I have definitely tried to be more green. I also think it's healthier for yourself if you are (organic food and what not). I say even if I don't think it exists why not treat it like it does? That way we're on the safe side for if the world were to turn into a huge fireball
Ok so we all have our embarassing moments but Failblog is like no other! I love watching these videos. I think it's something good for a monday! Here's one of my recent favorites:
"Woooooooo" haha her reaction!
"Woooooooo" haha her reaction!
Monday, February 22, 2010
I think Oprah is amazing. I read her biography and there's actually alot about her that people don't know. Like how she grew up in an abusive home. But I thought this was interesting. Drew Brees was recently on her show and everyone is hatin on her cause she tried to wipe off his birthmark! haha she thought it was lipstick. sh'es not stupid! I feel like anyone could make that mistake..i do think it's funny. heres a link to the video:
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Are you a Locavore?
So in an effort to become more eco-conscious and healthy we have a new type of eater! What is: a locavore. A locavore is someone who tries to eat mostly locally grown, typically organic products. Organic is booming because it's mainly know not to have pesticides and therefore you won't be at as high of a risk for cancer! woo! My parents always think I'm crazy and hate when I go to the grocery store with them because I'm usually the one who's attracted by the bright, attractive sign saying "Organic". They aren't buying into it but I am. I love the idea of supporting a local farmer John! It is usually more expensive though =(. Feel free to post your thoughts about organic guys!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Credit Card Changes
So I like to follow the news and I think it's good to spread news about whats going on. So, I'll post important things on here and there. Coming up this week, new credit card laws are starting. It's now gonna be tougher to get a credit card and you could see higher fees for going over your credit. And I have a feeling this all comes down to the fact that there were people who were frivolous and sent our country into the credit gutter. Now there's stricter rules. Individual rights are lost, but maybe they'll help get our economy under control?
This week couldn't go by without saying something about Tiger Woods. I don't really feel bad for him, I think cheating is such a bad thing to do. However, I couldn't help but think, in the scheme of things, his story has been blown somewhat out of proportion. I mean cmon no one was killed, our society isn't really any worse off. I do feel really bad for Elin, and I wish her and Tiger the best. People make mistakes.
So I've really gotten into blogs lately and so I said hey why not? Perez Hilton made a name for himself with his blog. And I've always thought about how I can't stand that he is like the face of the gay world. He's a bad representation. So this blog will certainly include LGBT issues important to my life. key word: IMPORTANT. And don't think that's what this is all about. I may be gay and it's a huge part of who I am, but I want this blog to be for pretty much anything and everything. So we'll see where it goes!
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